
I'm Samantha Marx. This is my personal website and work portfolio.


For a day job that blurs the line very much with my hobby, I build websites and web applications (there's a difference between the two. This Smashing Magazine article explains it). I operate as a freelancer and I'm available for hire.

My tool of choice is a dazzlingly fabulous web application framework called Drupal. Every one of the sites in my portfolio was built using Drupal. I have been fortunate enough to attend two international Drupal conferences: Barcelona and Washington, DC.

I am usually more than happy to share any code I've written / themes & documentation that I have made, provided that the client is comfortable with that. If there's something you'd like, just email me.


As is probably evident from my blog posts, I love very much to travel and take every opportunity to do so that I can, and also create a few opportunities to along the way. I'm 27 and have been on two round-the-world trips, and I'm in the process of considering a possible third.

I care what other people think.

Also, I can sing Amazing Grace all in spoonerism.

Cynicism upsets me.

I am interested in: people, the internet, what people do with the internet, and how they do it. But mostly people.