Take Back the Tech!
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Hello Pretty South Africa product page
Citizen Journalism in Africa
Evermed Clinic
Elastic City. Reshaping New York through new walks.
Lime Design
Tracy Edser Photography - Gallery Page

Take Back the Tech


The client: This is an activist initiative taken by the APC. I worked together with a team of highly driven and efficient women who were running this campaign and working for the APC. We were dispersed across 5 different time zones.

The project: Take Back The Tech is a collaborative campaign that takes place during the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-based Violence. This is a multilingual website that got put together in record time. My role in this project was to pick up the theming, which had been started and not completed, and add a little polish to the site. The design is by Ezrena Marwan.

Take Back the Tech!